- Review paper on Neural circuits for modeling brain physiology and neuropathology accepted for publication( 2021. 06. 15)
- Review paper on Neural circuits for modeling brain physiology and neuropathology accepted for publication (2021. 06. 15) A review paper covering neural circuits for modeling brain physiology and neuropathology carried out by professor Jongbaeg Kim's team in collaboration with KIST researchers is accepted for publication in renowned bioengineering journal Acta Biomaterilia. Artificial neural circuits are environments that are able to conduct functional analysis experiments of cerebral neural circuit connectivity in vitro, simulating in vivo environment. Discussed artificial neural circuit research has great significance since it can be applied to various brain disease studies including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Please refer to the link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2021.06.024
- 기계공학부 2021.09.01
- Deep Learning Based EMG Image Intention Detection 2 DOF Powered Ankle Foot Orthosis (2021. 06. 01)
- Deep Learning Based EMG Image Intention Detection 2 DOF Powered Ankle Foot Orthosis (2021. 06. 01) The research team of Professor Soo-Hong Lee of Yonsei University was selected for the protection project implemented by the National Research Foundation of Korea. The Hedang project will be carried out for three years under the theme of 'Deep Learning Based EMG Image Intention Detection 2 DOF Powered Ankle Foot Orthosis'. By measuring the EMG signals of the muscles involved in the ankle, which play an important role in stability and propulsion in walking, using a high-resolution image method, greater precision in estimating intentions than before can be obtained. Through the results of this study, it is expected that the existing limited control of exoskeleton robots can be raised to a higher level.
- 기계공학부 2021.09.01
- (2021. 05. 26) 양현석 교수 2021-1 RC 특강에서 "Creativity, AI, and Your Future" 강의
- 기계공학부 양현석 교수는 5월 26일 연세대학교 2021-1학기 RC 특강에서 전체 1학년 학생을 상대로 "Creativity, AI, and Your Future"라는 제목의 강의를 하였다. 강의 영상은 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LbfEqaBENP8&feature=youtu.be에서 다시보기 할 수 있다.
- 기계공학부 2021.06.22
- 시금치로 작동하는 광합성 전지로 전자계산기 구동 (2021. 05. 19)
- 시금치로 작동하는 광합성 전지로 전자계산기 구동 류원형 연세대 기계공학과 교수와 황성주 연세대 신소재공학과 교수, 홍현욱 연세대 기계공학과 박사후연구원 연구팀은 이장미 호주 뉴캐슬대 화학공학과 박사후연구원 연구팀과 공동연구를 통해 틸라코이드와 루테늄 산화물 시트로 제작된 식물 광합성 전지를 개발해 소형계산기를 구동했다. 본 연구는 국제학술지 ScienceAdvances (IF:13.116)에 게재되었으며, 성과의 우수성을 인정받아 5/19일 한국연구재단 및 여러 온라인 기사에 실려 연구 결과가 언론에 홍보되었다. [언론보도] 2021. 05.19 / 연합뉴스 https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20210519037100063?section=search 2021. 05.20 / 동아일보: https://www.donga.com/news/article/all/20210519/107017863/1
- 기계공학부 2021.06.22
- Review on the operation of wearable sensors through body heat harvesting based on thermoelectric devices (2021.05.17)
- Review on the operation of wearable sensors through body heat harvesting based on thermoelectric devices Professor Woochul Kim's team introduced methods of using wearable thermoelectirc devices to power wearable sensors and smart devices and to harvest body heat. Methods such as using a human thermoregulatory model to obtain a high power device design, using various heat dissipation methods to enchance compactness, and combining energy storage devices for operational stability were published in a review in Applied Physics Letter (Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 200501). This work's excellence was acknowlegded and was selected as the Editor's pick and was introduced in an article by AIP Scilight media (DOI:10.1063/10.0005084).
- 기계공학부 2021.06.22
- MEMS based microfluidic chip for simultaneously measuring size distriburion and density of nanoparticle(2021. 04. 21)
- MEMS based microfluidic chip for simultaneously measuring size distribution and density of nanoparticle Professor Yong-Jun Kim's research team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering developed an standalone high-precision MEMS-based nanoparticle analysis measuring device to analyze the physical characteristics of nanoparticles in the air. This study integrates the technology to analyze electrical mobility and inertial forces of particles introduced into the measuring instrument into a single chip. The measured current is converted to a size distribution, total number concentration, and effective density via a retrival algorithm using electrocharged measurements. This study was published in Lab on a chip, an overseas journal, in recognition of its excellence, and was selected as the Journal of the Hot article of the year.
- 기계공학부 2021.06.22
- Development of highly reliable microelectromechanical switch using gold nanoparticle-carbon nanotube composite(21. 4. 2)
- Development of highly reliable microelectromechanical switch using gold nanoparticle-carbon nanotube composite A highly reliable micro-electro-mechanical switch with low contact resistance was developed by professor Jongbaeg Kim's research group. In this work, a nanomaterial composite of carbon nanotube and gold nanoparticle was utilized in microswitch contact area, enhancing the reliability while maintaining low contact resistance. By relieving the reliability issue in the contact area, the application range of micro-electro-mechanical switch would be expanded. This work has been published in the renowned journal 'ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces'.
- 기계공학부 2021.06.22
- 환경부에서 시행 실내공기 생물학적 위해인자 관리 기술 개발사업 선정 (2021. 04. 01)
- 환경부에서 시행 실내공기 생물학적 위해인자 관리 기술 개발사업 선정 연세대학교 황정호 교수님 연구진이 환경부에서 시행하는 실내공기 생물학적 위해인자 관리 기술 개발사업 선정되었다. (연구비 총 160억 확보) '실내공기 생물학적 위해인자 관리 기술 개발사업'은 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 공기 중의 생물학적 유해인자의 고농축 연속 포집 및 전처리 기술과 다종 동시 진단 기술을 개발하는 사업이며 사업기간은 5년으로 2021년 4월부터 이 사업을 통해 고려대 등 4개의 대학및 9개의 참여기업과 함께 과제를 수행할 예정이다. 이 연구는 공기 중 생물학적 위해인자의 DB구축을 시켜줄 뿐만 아니라 실시간 모니터링 및 진단이 가능하게 하여 현재 유행하는 코로나 바이러스에 대한 국민적 우려를 해소할 해결책으로써 중요한 역할을 할 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
- 기계공학부 2021.06.22
- Professor Hyung Hee Cho selected as "Mechanical engineer of the year 2020"
- Professor Hyung Hee Cho selected as "Mechanical engineer of the year 2020" Professor Hyung Hee Cho selected as "Mechanical engineer of the year 2020" in the academia category. The Korea Association of Machinery Industry, the Korean Federation of Mechanical Engineering Societies and related research institutes co-hosted an annual Machinery Day event and selected "Mechanical engineer of the Year" for successful engineers in the machinery sector for a year. Professor Cho is leading "Yonsei University GET-Future Laboratory for Gas Turbine Hot components” (Heat Transfer Laboratory) and strive to train gas turbine and energy-related specialists to improve the competitiveness of domestic energy industries. Through his research on gas turbine hot parts, Prof. Cho established a thermal design process for gas turbine hot components including cooling / thermal design and turbine blade life & fracture prediction, and strives on research for improved cooling performances by applying advanced technologies such as 3D printing. Professor Cho was recognized for his contribution on original technology regarding thermal design for gas turbine hot components and domestic production of gas turbine. [언론보도] 2020.12.09 / 신소재경제: http://amenews.kr/news/view.php?idx=43887
- 기계공학부 2021.06.16
- Facilitating the hydrogen economy through highly active and efficient nickel-based alloy catalysts
- Facilitating the hydrogen economy through highly active and efficient nickel-based alloy catalysts To promote the transition to an eco-friendly hydrogen economy, Professor Jongsup Hong's team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering developed a nickel-based alloy catalyst that can be used for the anode of hydrogen fuel cells. Through this study, it was possible to operate fuel cell power generation while producing hydrogen inside a low-temperature hydrogen fuel cell by directly injecting city gas (methane) without a hydrogen generator. This study was published as an inside-front-cover in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF: 11.301) and was selected as the journal's HOT Paper. In recognition of the excellence of research results, this study was announced publicly by the Korea Research Foundation and various online articles on March 25 to promote the research results to the media. [언론보도] 2021.03.05 / 아이뉴스 24: https://news.v.daum.net/v/20210325120027783
- 기계공학부 2021.06.16