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[BK21 seminar] 9th Jan(Thu) Sangwoo Shin(University at Buffalo)"Colloidal Diffusiophoresis in Subsurface Energy and Envi
게시글 내용

Please give a lot of attention and participation from the members of the Mechanical Engineering department.

▣ 주   제: Colloidal Diffusiophoresis in Subsurface Energy and Environmental Systems: From Enhanced Oil Recovery to Bioremediation

연   사: Prof. Sangwoo Shin

소   속: University at Buffalo

일   시:  2025. 1. 9.(Thu) 10:10

장   소: 제4공학관 D603호

초   청: 조형희 교수

▣ 초   록

Diffusiophoresis refers to the directed movement of colloidal particles in response to solute concentration gradients, driven by surface-solute interactions in non-equilibrium conditions. Since the pioneering work by Anderson and Prieve in the 80s’, there has been a renewed interest in diffusiophoresis phenomena due to the recognition that diffusiophoresis can occur readily in both natural and artificial systems, and may enable useful engineering applications that are otherwise challenging to achieve. The abundance of chemical gradients in subsurface environments presents new opportunities to utilize diffusiophoresis for addressing energy and environmental challenges. In this talk, I will present two examples that demonstrate the potential of diffusiophoresis in energy and environmental systems. First, I will demonstrate how diffusiophoresis influences the motion of surfactant-laden oil droplets in heterogeneous porous media during high- and low-salinity water flooding for enhanced oil recovery. Second, I will discuss its influence on the flagellar motility of soil bacteria and the implications for bioremediation strategies targeting contaminated subsurface environments. Together, these examples reveal the significant contributions of diffusiophoresis to advancing technologies in hydrocarbon extraction and environmental restoration.

20250109_BK21_ 신상우 교수님(조형희 교수님).jpg